04-07-2024 - 20-07-2024

The Rotary Chhatra Chhaya Project, undertaken by Rotary Chinchwad, aimed to provide essential shelter to street vendors by distributing 40 umbrellas. These umbrellas were intended to shield vendors from harsh sunlight and inclement weather conditions, thereby improving their working conditions and overall well-being. A key aspect of the project was the adherence to social responsibility principles. Umbrellas were distributed exclusively to vendors who possessed valid government licenses for their businesses. This criterion ensured that the support reached those who were officially recognized and operating within legal frameworks. By doing so, Rotary Chinchwad not only fulfilled its humanitarian mission but also contributed to the promotion of responsible business practices within the community. Furthermore, the Rotary Chhatra Chhaya Project aligned closely with one of Rotary's core focus areas, effectively addressing community development through practical means. This initiative exemplified Rotary's commitment to serving humanity and making a tangible difference in the lives of marginalized groups such as street vendors. Moreover, the project was conducted in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Bibwewadi, highlighting the spirit of partnership and collective effort in Rotary's service projects. This joint endeavor underscored the shared commitment of both clubs towards community service and welfare, leveraging resources and expertise for maximum impact. Through the Rotary Chhatra Chhaya Project, Rotary Chinchwad not only provided physical umbrellas but also metaphorical 'shelter' and support to street vendors, affirming their dignity and importance in the community fabric. The project's success was measured not only in terms of the number of umbrellas distributed but also in the positive social outcomes achieved, fostering resilience and sustainability among vulnerable groups. In conclusion, the Rotary Chhatra Chhaya Project exemplifies Rotary's ethos of service above self, demonstrating effective community engagement, responsible citizenship, and collaborative partnership towards creating a more equitable and compassionate society.

Public Image Avenue Details

Start Date 04-07-2024
End Date 20-07-2024
Cost 20000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 30
Partner Clubs Rotary Club of Bibwewadi
Non Rotary Partners
Category Physical displays (Hoardings/Bilboards)