30-08-2015 - 30-08-2015

Yoga and Nutrition workshop was arranged for lady rotarians and anns. First Workshop of the year -Arogyam Dhansampada. An excellent lecture given on nutrition & balanced diet by Dr.Smita specially highliting on Calcium, vit. D3, vit B12 and Cholesterol so as to make people aware of these subjects so as to prevent the diseases of joints, heart, muscles and brain. This was followed by excellent demonstration of Yogasanas which was the feast for the participants with practical training & personal attention given by yoga thearapist Ashwini Joshi. 10 special Asanas were taught for the care specially of spine, neck and stomach. also Suryanamaskara was taught so as to correct the steps of the participants. Total 35 rtns & anns attended & 15 did the practical yoga.

Project Details

Start Date 30-08-2015
End Date 30-08-2015
Project Cost 7000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 35
Partner Clubs R.C.Nigdi, R.C. Pimpri, R.C.Akurdi, R.C. Morya, R.C. Pimpri town, R.C. Pradhikaran.
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment