04-02-2024 - 04-02-2024

4th Feb 2024 40 cycles were donated to Malavli to Shikshangram Sanstha. It houses more than 150 orphans that are usually left on the railway platform at Lonawala. Many orphans there are addicted to substances and practice begging and stealing. This institution helps to face life positively. Learn and educate themselves and being up a bright career for themselves. With these cycles they will get a new opportunity to travel around the institution and will be proud to have a cycle like rest of the children.

Project Details

Start Date 04-02-2024
End Date 04-02-2024
Project Cost 200000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 26
No of direct Beneficiaries 150
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Economic and Community Development, Happy Village