01-06-2024 - 14-06-2024

14-06-2024 To execute the fencing project in Velhe, Pune effectively, and ensure it serves its multifaceted purpose of protecting fruit-bearing trees, promoting Rotary, and disseminating social messages, here is a detailed plan: ### 1. Project Planning and Coordination **Stakeholder Engagement:** - **Village Authorities:** Collaborate with local leaders to identify the areas needing fencing. - **Rotary Club Members:** Engage Rotary members to support and oversee the project. - **Community Involvement:** Inform villagers about the project benefits and involve them in the process to ensure community support and participation. ### 2. Fencing Installation **Materials and Specifications:** - **Fencing Type:** Use durable materials such as chain-link or barbed wire fencing, suitable for deterring animals. - **Height and Coverage:** Ensure the fencing is high enough (at least 6-8 feet) to prevent animals from jumping over. - **Durability:** Use weather-resistant materials to ensure longevity. **Installation Steps:** 1. **Site Preparation:** Clear the area where the fence will be installed. 2. **Post Installation:** Install sturdy posts at regular intervals (8-10 feet apart) and anchor them securely in the ground. 3. **Fencing Attachment:** Attach the fencing material to the posts, ensuring it is taut and secure. 4. **Gates and Access Points:** Install gates at strategic locations for easy access to the trees for maintenance and harvesting. ### 3. Banner and Signage Design **Rotary Promotion:** - **Rotary Logo and Message:** Design banners with the Rotary logo and a message about their involvement in the project. - **Visibility:** Place banners at prominent locations along the fencing. **Social Messages:** - **Themes:** Focus on girl’s education, driving safety, and environmental conservation. - **Design:** Use bright, readable fonts and engaging graphics to attract attention. - **Placement:** Distribute these messages evenly along the fencing to ensure visibility to all passersby. ### 4. Maintenance and Sustainability **Regular Inspections:** - Schedule regular inspections to check for damages or breaches in the fence. **Community Training:** - Train local villagers on basic maintenance techniques to ensure the fence remains effective. **Periodic Updates:** - Update banners and signage periodically to keep the messages fresh and relevant. ### 5. Community Benefits and Monitoring **Income Generation:** - **Fruit Sales:** Create a system for the villagers to collectively sell the fruits, ensuring fair distribution of income. - **Market Access:** Help establish connections with local markets or cooperatives. **Nutritional Benefits:** - **Local Consumption:** Encourage villagers to consume the fruits, improving their nutrition. **Impact Monitoring:** - **Feedback Collection:** Regularly collect feedback from the villagers to assess the project’s impact and areas for improvement. - **Impact Reports:** Create periodic reports highlighting the benefits and any challenges faced, sharing these with Rotary members and stakeholders. ### 6. Promotion and Awareness Campaign **Launch Event:** - Host a launch event involving local authorities, Rotary members, and the community to raise awareness about the project. **Media Coverage:** - Utilize local media (newspapers, radio, and social media) to publicize the project and its benefits. **Ongoing Promotion:** - Continue promoting the project through Rotary newsletters, social media, and community meetings. ### Sample Banner Designs 1. **Rotary Promotion Banner:** - **Text:** "Proudly supported by Rotary Club of [Location]" - **Images:** Rotary logo, images of community members working on the project. - **Color Scheme:** Rotary colors (blue and gold). 2. **Social Message Banner:** - **Theme:** Girl’s Education - **Text:** "Educate a girl, empower a community!" - **Images:** Illustrations of girls studying and participating in school activities. - **Color Scheme:** Bright and engaging colors (pink, green). 3. **Driving Safety Banner:** - **Text:** "Drive Safely - Your family is waiting!" - **Images:** Graphic of a car and a family. - **Color Scheme:** Red and white for visibility. 4. **Environmental Conservation Banner:** - **Text:** "Protect Our Environment - Plant Trees, Save Lives!" - **Images:** Trees, water droplets, and wildlife. - **Color Scheme:** Green and blue. This comprehensive plan will help ensure that the fencing project not only protects fruit-bearing trees but also promotes community welfare and Rotary’s mission.

Project Details

Start Date 01-06-2024
End Date 14-06-2024
Project Cost 40000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 60
No of direct Beneficiaries 3000
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Happy Village