01-07-2024 - 01-07-2024

Vocational Award Presentation on Doctors Day to Dr. Govind Jawade and Dr. Kailash Jawade Introduction: Today, on the occasion of Doctors Day, the Rotary Club Chinchwad proudly honored two distinguished individuals, Dr. Govind Jawade and Dr. Kailash Jawade, with a Vocational Award. This recognition celebrates their outstanding contributions to AIDS prevention and organ donation over the past decades. Achievements in AIDS Prevention: Dr. Govind Jawade and Dr. Kailash Jawade have been actively involved in AIDS prevention since 1999. Their efforts have focused on educating females about the disease, aiming to integrate them into the mainstream society. Through their initiatives, they have positively impacted the lives of thousands of females and prevented transmission of HIV from mother to child through proper medication and education. Additionally, they have established small savings groups (Bachat Gats) for these women, creating sustainable sources of income that have contributed significantly to reducing suicide cases among vulnerable populations. Organ Donation Advocacy: In the realm of organ donation, Dr. Govind Jawade and Dr. Kailash Jawade have been instrumental in raising awareness among the public. Their approach includes distributing pamphlets and calendars, educating college students, and actively participating in the Alandi to Pandharpur Wari pilgrimage with 50 college students annually for the past decade. This pilgrimage serves as a platform to engage people of all ages in discussions about the importance and benefits of organ donation. Their dedication and tireless efforts have resulted in a significant increase in public awareness about organ donation, encouraging many to pledge and contribute to this noble cause. Recognition and Award: In recognition of their exemplary service and commitment to public health and welfare, the Rotary Club Chinchwad presented Dr. Govind Jawade and Kailash Jawade with the Vocational Award. This award not only acknowledges their individual efforts but also serves as a testament to their impact on society. Conclusion: Dr. Govind Jawade and Dr. Kailash Jawade's work in AIDS prevention and organ donation exemplifies the spirit of service and compassion that Doctors Day commemorates. Their initiatives have not only saved lives but have also empowered communities and inspired a new generation to engage actively in health advocacy. As we celebrate Doctors Day, let us salute these remarkable individuals for their dedication, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others.

Project Details

Start Date 01-07-2024
End Date 01-07-2024
Project Cost 3000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 4
No of direct Beneficiaries 2
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Vocational Service