03-07-2024 - 03-07-2024

Rotary Club Chinchwad Report on Visit to Ishwarpuram NGO Date: 03.07.2024 Introduction: Following our participation in the Wari pilgrimage, members of Rotary Club Chinchwad visited Ishwarpuram, an NGO dedicated to education and community development for students from North East India. This visit provided us with invaluable insights into the challenges faced by these students and the impactful work being carried out by the NGO. Visit Details: Accompanied by Mr. Prashant Joshi, a trustee of Ishwarpuram, we were warmly welcomed and given a comprehensive overview of the NGO's activities. Mr. Joshi shared insights into the selection process of students from Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, highlighting the difficulties in convincing parents to send their children to study at Ishwarpuram. Once enrolled, the NGO faces ongoing challenges in ensuring the students' comfort, including providing for their daily needs such as food, clothing, and accommodation, as well as covering educational expenses like fees, notebooks, and shoes. Facilities and Support: Despite these challenges, Ishwarpuram operates solely on donations, ensuring that no financial burden is placed on the students. The NGO expressed the need for essential infrastructure improvements, including a secure residence building, CCTV cameras for safety, and facilities for skill development. We were moved by the dedication of Mr. and Mrs. Mehata, who provide parental care to the students, affectionately referred to as AAI and Baba by the children. Interaction with Students: During our visit, we had the opportunity to interact with the students, who performed a prayer for us and graciously shared tea and snacks. This personal interaction underscored the resilience and spirit of these young individuals striving for a better future through education. Support and Commitment: Moved by the impactful work of Ishwarpuram, Rotary Club Chinchwad decided to collaborate closely with the NGO. As a gesture of our support, our members and guests generously donated Rs. 50,000 towards Ishwarpuram's initiatives. We are committed to extending further support in the future, aligning with Rotary's mission of community service and educational advancement. Conclusion: Our visit to Ishwarpuram was eye-opening and inspirational, reaffirming the importance of education and community support. We express our gratitude to Mr. Prashant Joshi and the entire team at Ishwarpuram for their dedication and tireless efforts in transforming lives through education. Rotary Club Chinchwad looks forward to a meaningful partnership aimed at creating sustainable impact and empowering the students of Ishwarpuram. This report captures our commitment to supporting Ishwarpuram and reflects our dedication to serving the community through meaningful partnerships and initiatives.

Project Details

Start Date 03-07-2024
End Date 03-07-2024
Project Cost 50000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 120
No of direct Beneficiaries 40
Partner Clubs --
Non Rotary Partners --
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy, Economic and Community Development