28-12-2015 - 29-12-2015

Awareness about adolescent health problems and counseling of adolescent girls as well as their mothers was done at Janaki Devi Bajaj Seva Vikas Kendra on 28th Dec. Dr. Sangeeta Ranade gave a lecture on Physiology and Psychology of adolescent age children, Dr. Amruta Datye gave lecture on importance of Haemoglobin and Rubella vaccination. 70 ladies attended the lectures. on 29th Rubella vaccination was done to 52 adolescent girls

Project Details

Start Date 28-12-2015
End Date 29-12-2015
Project Cost 2000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 150
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment